Your bio
When you sign up for a new account, we'll ask you to provide a short bio. We'll use this as a foundation to understand your role in your organization. Providing a succinct yet descriptive bio here will improve certain features in Convictional. When you write your bio, it's best to focus on your professional qualities - your job title, skills, or team.
Here are a few examples
Bad example: "I like cats"
Ok example: "I do customer success"
Great example: "I'm in Customer Success on the US East team. I'm focused on retention and NPS. I also like cats."
Don't worry if your job title changes, or you switch teams - you can always update your profile on the edit profile screen.
Over time, we'll use your activity on Convictional to generate a more detailed professional profile for you - you'll find that generated profile on the edit profile screen.
Last updated